
I am not an expert, this advice is intended to be helpful and humorous, with flashes of wit. Please know this is a futile attempt at getting the world to do things the way I see fit.

If you need advice on any topic, I'm happy to help you by either giving my own recommendations, or seeking out recommendations from others, then claiming them as my own. If you have no sense of humor, please do not read this blog.

How it works...please post a question in the comments section of the blog (or send me an email if you'd like more anonymity). I'll post it with my advice. Take the advice, leave the advice, but don't let me tell you
"I told you so!"

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Contented Commentary

I haven't been receiving too many requests for advice. I've decided that the reason for this is because everyone is SO happy in their lives that they don't need any advice. With this hope in mind, the idea of being CONTENT sprung to mind. Yesterday I felt like the universe was telling me to wake up and enjoy life. The book I'm reading was discussing the importance of letting things in life come to you, the value of being content no matter what is happening in the world around you. The radio station I was listening to in the morning was discussing the importance of finding happiness or contentment in whatever you are doing. Either I was finding external things to suit my present state of mind, or the rest of the world was trying to bend my ear...who can know.

Regardless of why, I thought I'd try to focus my energy on being content. All day, all week, for the rest of my life, I was going to be ZEN. Peaceful, patient, content; that is what I was going to be. My plan was foolproof! I lasted until around 12:00 pm. Time between epiphany and failure to be content: approximately 3 hours. I have some major work to do. I took a yoga class this morning, a walk with a friend, and got a chance to catch up with my sister-in-law who is always amazing. Today, I see the leaves are green, my children are alive, and I'll actually have a chance to read that book a little more. I'm hoping to break my contentedness record today and go for 3 1/2 hours. I hope you are all enjoying a day in a lifetime filled with being content. If not, throw me a bone and ask for some advice, and maybe we'll both feel better.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post Em! Thanks for the "advice on trying to keep it together".

    I am going to have to try to work on the keeping my life very Zen for the next week as I feel like I have been falling apart these last two weeks.

    I will keep your suggestions and work on them this week!
    Keep up the great advice I love it!
