
I am not an expert, this advice is intended to be helpful and humorous, with flashes of wit. Please know this is a futile attempt at getting the world to do things the way I see fit.

If you need advice on any topic, I'm happy to help you by either giving my own recommendations, or seeking out recommendations from others, then claiming them as my own. If you have no sense of humor, please do not read this blog.

How it works...please post a question in the comments section of the blog (or send me an email if you'd like more anonymity). I'll post it with my advice. Take the advice, leave the advice, but don't let me tell you
"I told you so!"

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How small?

How big is your fear and how small can you make yourself??  I like to practice yoga, I’m pretty flexible and I’m not terribly tall, so when I want to, I can make myself pretty small.  I’m a pretty great hider at hide and seek and can fit into the child’s motorized Barbie car – par example….

But when do you make yourself small?  For me, it’s when I’m weak. 

When I’m embarrassed, I can sometimes make the wrong decision and drape myself in toxic ego dusted with spiky sarcasm. 

When I’m scared, I tend to go towards bravado, and a white knuckled, gladiator, bull-dog stance to show you that you can’t hurt MEEEEEEE (even though it is absolutely clear to all, that yes, you sure can and you already have).   But when I’m weak, when I’m tired, when I lose faith -  lose confidence in who am I am and what in the world I’m doing here -  that is when I feel invisible, and very very small.  I feel like I can be unseen.  I can fly under the radar of glances, give only 10% and just blend, blend, blend until I become the gray and fall into the middle distance and then try to fade into nothing.

I think it’s interesting to explore how we make ourselves small, and why.  Because though in the moment, your feeling is of less than zero, of minimizing your wonderful self.  Of dimming the brilliant light you have inside you, for whatever reason.  You know it isn’t what you were designed for.  That making yourself small keeps love out and your gifts held in. Could recognizing how we make ourselves small teach us a bit of how we make ourselves whole?  How we rebound into the brilliance that each one of us has in us?  The sparkly self?   I would like to think so. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Summer dreams....

Summer goals

( Picture from a hike in moonstone)

  • ·         Have an awesome time at Kelly and Mark’s wedding – CHECK!
  • ·         Pick up Olivia from sailing on Shady Grady – CHECK!
  • ·         Hike in Moonstone – CHECK!
  • ·         Go to the Isthmus – CHECK!
  • ·         Go to Ventura - TBD
  • ·         Laugh a lot with the kids – in process
  • ·         Enjoy relaxing time on the boat – CHECK!
  • ·         Have a dance party – CHECK!
  • ·         Learn a new joke – working on this today…..
  • ·         Do something new with Blake - TBD
  • ·         Help Blake be successful with therapist at the Bay Club –  Modified
  • ·         Stay in shape – TBD

Because here is what I don’t want to do this summer.  Pout, while in lovely surroundings, that I’m the ONLY one vacuuming up the popcorn.  You’ll note that keeping the house clean was absent from the list above. 

Stress, that my child didn’t get a first place ribbon and that Blake isn’t making progress with his speech or behavior in in summer program.

Feel like I’m not doing enough.  Get a major case of the ENOUGH life suck.  Like I’m not MAXIMIZING enough of the summer- because I AM crazy goal oriented and totally capable of setting unattainable goals and most certainly capable of feeling like crap when I don’t check them off the list.  This is a big list.  It’s a FUN – for me at least – list.  And this is just 40% of what was on the top of my mind in June and what I had already planned.  There will be more this summer.  There will be the unexpected plot twist, there always is.  The plan disruptor or the fun fairy that comes along.  In writing this ‘first thought’ list, I see 1: that these are things that are at the moment my top of mind priorities and 2: that I don’t need to dream up any MORE ideas.  That would turn this summer into the AMAZING RACE summer edition, which I can see on TV, but don’t need to live.

Suns out buns out y ‘all.  I gotta learn me a new joke.