
I am not an expert, this advice is intended to be helpful and humorous, with flashes of wit. Please know this is a futile attempt at getting the world to do things the way I see fit.

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"I told you so!"

Monday, March 4, 2013

shhh.... baby sleeping

There is nothing quite like the calm of a house with a sleeping baby.  Especially at nap time.  I’m watching my nephew right now.  I am quietly tapping the keys of the keyboard, waiting for the moment to arrive when the house flips back “on” and is filled with music, drooling, laughing and winking.  He’s a 6 month old baby, I’m a 33 year old mother, so we pretty much act the same way when we’re playing.  And though I am certainly the oddball in our pairing, he is just not in a position to really choose much of what we do.  These few hours with the little babies brings me back to 2006, to 2008 and many of those days in between with my own two little ones.  Out of the haze of my own baby stage, I am able to recognize and remember today the way that babies can wrap you in hope.  Through their tiny, clear eyes, you can almost touch the human condition.  In most cases, they are unworried, responsive, and so expressive with what they need that they are able to show you the clearest answers to the complications we can create in life.  In a few years, it will be “No, no, no” and “ I WANT MY MOMMY!”.  But for now, it is peaceful baby breathing, delicious quiet, and some more drooly bouncing in the jumpy thing that plays 10 different tunes after nap time.

Hope you have a moment of delicious hope, humanity and love sometime in your day today.

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