
I am not an expert, this advice is intended to be helpful and humorous, with flashes of wit. Please know this is a futile attempt at getting the world to do things the way I see fit.

If you need advice on any topic, I'm happy to help you by either giving my own recommendations, or seeking out recommendations from others, then claiming them as my own. If you have no sense of humor, please do not read this blog.

How it works...please post a question in the comments section of the blog (or send me an email if you'd like more anonymity). I'll post it with my advice. Take the advice, leave the advice, but don't let me tell you
"I told you so!"

Thursday, December 13, 2012

8 go-to pieces of advice used all year long...

Before 2012 comes to a close, I thought it might be nice to do a quick wrap up of some of my favorite pieces of advice.  Some were used more frequently this year than others; some are simply re-worded classics that seem to always find a way to be applicable.

1. Advice is typically free for a reason.  Therefore, consider the source (and how informed your source is on the matter at hand) prior to application.

Like that?  How I did that there?  Yes, this is a worthwhile blurb, and yes, it is also a disclaimer, right there at the top of this post.  I do love the opportunity to multi-task!

2. It is nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.  This is on a sign at my daughter's preschool.  While I find myself struggling (maybe even clawing) for glory, kudos, and overall adulation from time to time, I know in my core that being known as important isn't actually what I am striving for.  In the end, I would rather be known as a nice person.

3. People would rather be around a happy host (or hostess as the case may be) than be in a spotless home.  A casual poll that I took taught me that if you are going to skip something, consider skipping sweeping up the floor since it will get dirty anyhow and people are rarely examining your floor when they visit.  This Thanksgiving and throughout the Christmas season, I've struggled to put the dustpan away and simply smile and enjoy the company of my guests, and I try to remind myself that no one wants to watch someone else clean.  Someday I may have a home that is spotless, but I'm not going to put time with friends and family on hold until that day.

5.  Relax!  It is not your job to judge others.  You may be a splendid judger, picker apart-er, passive down-looker, but guess what???  You're spending all of your time doing something you are COMPLETELY unqualified to do AND a negative task that no one wants you to do.    Scour the want ads, there is no one looking to fill this position.  It is hard (understatement) to keep from getting lured into judging how others do what they do, what they're wearing when they do it and how their kids behave.  However, once you back away from judging others, you can focus on what a terrific job you are doing on you, and let others live how they would like to live.

6. Be kind.  90% of the time it is the right decision. 

7.  Fly your Freak Flag (when you can).  We are all so unique.  Every person on this earth is an individual, and sometimes when you celebrate your individuality, you allow a space for others to feel comfortable to celebrate theirs.  DISCLAIMER:  Obviously, if you feel your individuality is celebrated best by nudity -for example- then don't celebrate it when you pick up your kids from school.  Also consider how your individuality works with your career, and maybe share your "special" in a place that seems the most appropriate.

8. If you're not having FUN, you're doing it wrong.
This has become my mantra.  I like to tell myself this when I'm in traffic, having a less than perfect day, or getting myself tangled up in things that really don't matter.  Life is short (though it can feel very long) and if you can keep your focus on enjoying what you're doing, or planning things that you will enjoy while you're doing something you really don't enjoy, then you'll probably get a lot more out of life than you would otherwise.

Happy Holidays!

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