
I am not an expert, this advice is intended to be helpful and humorous, with flashes of wit. Please know this is a futile attempt at getting the world to do things the way I see fit.

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"I told you so!"

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Trying something NEW for the new year....

I am probably at my strongest poetically up on a microphone when no one is really listening closely.  However, I thought I'd try something new.. a little poem for the New Year.   While it is true that in recent years I've grown to shy away from change, my love of traditions eclipses this habit and allows me to really enjoy the New Year holiday.  The idea that next year at this time, things will be different, I will have grown and life will have changed excites me today.   Let me know what you think of the poem below......

Deep breathing, new believing, digging in or leaving, chest heaving
Finding hope, finding love, shaking off, growing up
Starting over, re-beginning, holding treasures from your winning
Letting it go but reining it in, opening slow, touching the skin
Of the new beginning, of the new day, of this moment when I hear you say:
“Good morning!” 
It’s a new world, the race is on, the lights are green, become a swan
Hoping for more, hoping for most. Living in present, leaving the ghost
Of old days, of old hands, of things said, of broken plans
It is a new beginning.
There is fear, there are guts, there is bravery here with us
A fresh new old me and new old you trying to be who we said we would be to
One another and all of the other one another’s we made promises for
Feet on the floor, open the door.  It is January with a zero score,
It is time for a new beginning.

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