He shared something that I really enjoyed and thought I'd re-share.
You get good at what you practice.
If you practice anger, you get good at anger
If you practice peace and love, you get better at peace and love.
Its not a new idea, it is something we know, and yet, when stated so simply by someone else, it resonated. This idea is found in directives throughout literature, self help, religion, social media, and pinterest for crying out loud, but hearing it again, it struck me. Stop practicing worry. Stop practicing gossip, stop practicing judgment and practice instead peace. Practice joy. Practice kindness. Practice the qualities you aspire to have more of.
So my stair climbing experience was pretty exciting. I was able to be joyful, and excited while doing something I usually am less than joyful about. Here is hoping reading this will have a similar affect on you, or someone you share it with!
love this! thanks for the reminder! -Celeste Paisley