
I am not an expert, this advice is intended to be helpful and humorous, with flashes of wit. Please know this is a futile attempt at getting the world to do things the way I see fit.

If you need advice on any topic, I'm happy to help you by either giving my own recommendations, or seeking out recommendations from others, then claiming them as my own. If you have no sense of humor, please do not read this blog.

How it works...please post a question in the comments section of the blog (or send me an email if you'd like more anonymity). I'll post it with my advice. Take the advice, leave the advice, but don't let me tell you
"I told you so!"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Job Hunt

I have recently updated my resume and have been searching for work. The job market is definitely a tough one, and things are very different than they were when I was last employed. For example, the job I used to have has become somewhat obsolete, and though my skills are still certainly valuable, convincing a future employer that I am EXACTLY what they are looking for has proven to be a bit tough.

So I started thinking, what if I were to list all of the skills I have learned over the past few years of being a stay-at-home mom? What would that look like??

  • Ability to set up and take apart advanced toy models including exersaucer, jumperoo, and various battery operated toys.
  • Advanced level of comprehending non-verbal, screaming children, delivering sandwich, while driving, applying mascara and singing various children's songs.
  • Creative ability to turn any daunting tasks into a song. Popular songs include: "Eat your peas" and "Potty Time".
  • Strong interpersonal skills with terrorist toddlers in home and throughout the community. Ability to negotiate deal terms and avoid crisis on a 24 hour schedule.
  • Extremely functional without sleep, food, or any personal maintenance. Ability to dress children, self, husband, and make 3 course meal for unexpected visitors under aforementioned conditions.
  • Loving, upbeat attitude in the face of crisis, tremendous sales skills and creativity.
  • Experience in advanced, multi-level operations. Able to balance the schedule of naps, meals, school, exercise, play dates, sports, therapies, holidays, and family time.
  • Part time chef experience, working to create healthful meals with restrictive ingredients and unwilling participants.
  • Advanced skill level in the following areas: sleeping strategies, containment of illness, potty training strategies, Applied Behavioral Analysis.
  • Expert level room mom.
  • Ability to carry infant car seat, infant, full load of groceries, diaper bag, purse, stroller and conduct a somewhat lucid conversation on a mobile phone.
  • Extensive studies conducted on: local preschools, therapy clinics, autism resources, baby strollers, bottle types, pacifiers, kid-friendly restaurants, after-school programs, toddler clothing, and baby blankets.
  • Advanced mastery of train sets, hot wheels, Disney princesses, puppet shows, and dance parties.
What would your personal life resume look like? While I don't think listing my extensive knowledge of "Thomas the Tank Engine" will ever help me to obtain a great job, I can't help but think my sales skills have certainly been sharpened by spending time with my kids. And if you ever need a toy set up in record time, well, you know who to call.......

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