
I am not an expert, this advice is intended to be helpful and humorous, with flashes of wit. Please know this is a futile attempt at getting the world to do things the way I see fit.

If you need advice on any topic, I'm happy to help you by either giving my own recommendations, or seeking out recommendations from others, then claiming them as my own. If you have no sense of humor, please do not read this blog.

How it works...please post a question in the comments section of the blog (or send me an email if you'd like more anonymity). I'll post it with my advice. Take the advice, leave the advice, but don't let me tell you
"I told you so!"

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Poof ---- Halloween Historical

I'm feeling nostalgic today and thinking it would be a good time to look back.  Things have been going well with the people that came out of my belly, and that is when I find nostalgia to be positive rather than disarmingly harmful.  Looking back after days that are hard skews my perspective so much, it's hard to know what the point is of any of it.  

Blake's first real Halloween, where we attempted trick or treating, he bit me so hard I still have a scar from it 7 years later.  He wanted to go into the house.  Of the stranger we had never even seen before.  He was not interested in saying trick-or-treat, not interested in the candy, and he was not interested in walking back through the crowd of kids behind him.  He probably figured hiding under the couch in a strangers house looked safer than "out there" with all of the noisy, excited trick-or-treaters.   It was horrible.  The bite really hurt, and I know I'm going to sound like a huge weenie, but it hurt a lot.  He got me good, and to be fair, he had tried other ways to tell me he had other plans for the evening and I pushed him to have the super weird "normal" Halloween experience, so I get where he was coming from.

It's taken a few years, but this year, we may actually get closer to the ''normal''-ish  Halloween experience.   Over the past two years, we've been able to pull him in his wagon as we go around our neighborhood.  If he wants to, he can go up to the door, and if he doesn't he doesn't have to.  We have popcorn and other sensory supports in the wagon, and we are set to go around the neighborhood with friends who he is really comfortable with.  I'm feeling optimistic.  But mostly, I'm feeling grateful.  Because it has been a long and bumpy journey thus far, and I'm happy to be where we are now, instead of where we were back then.  Blake isn't running away, and he's been stopping when we call him to stop, so I'm very grateful for that.  His functional language continues to improve, so he can express preferences that are known, so that is another point in the outings category.  And finally, he seems to enjoy being with kids more now.  He's not ready for a rave, and we are still going to struggle in novel, loud activities, but through painful training, he has become more adaptable and seems to actually enjoy being around other kids right now. 

I still continue to have no idea where his story is going, but I'm not quite as scared about it as I used to be.  Maybe that is just wishful thinking, but I know that worry isn't going to help him, and is only going to fry me faster.  

So happy Halloween to all, and hopefully you experience some wins and fun tonight! 

Monday, September 26, 2016

All I need is a miracle....

I find myself asking for a miracle, then correcting myself, and rather, asking for another miracle.  I’ve been granted many already.  And while I wouldn’t say I’ve wasted them, there is doubtless room for improvement on my part at receiving them.  Being born (I’d wager that was miracle one for me).  And a myriad of others granted prior to the time I turned 18.  Olivia being healthy and recovering from her surgery – another biggie I begged for.   

Now I want another one, and am self-aware enough to realize, I’d be lying if I said this would be my last miracle request.  I want Blake to be cured from Autism.  I want him to miraculously snap into being a boy with a brain that works in the world at large.  I want to have autism be over.  For this part of my life to grow old, into a distant memory of; “ Oh, remember those years…oh boy, they were something.”.  I would be completely unprepared for this miracle to happen, and likely would be in utter disbelief if it did occur.  And looking around at life today, I wonder if I may not get the miracle I’m looking for, but possibly a number of others over time.

Maybe my miracle will be granted one eye-contact, one appropriate phrase, one teeny-tiny, molecular step at a time.  Or, maybe the miracle will not be in getting what I’ve requested, and the life that follows will be the miracle.  I don’t know, as there is no miracle hotline and I don’t have a delorian to visit the future.  So for now, I am sitting with my long list of requests, but trying to keep my eyes open to see when they are granted.  To not miss the miracles that are given every day and meant to be relished and shared.  Like the pink clouds at sunset, or roaring laughter, or the small ones, the just- for- you miracles – moments that squeeze your heart and give you chills. 

And then, there are many that would say; his autism IS your miracle.  And "they" would be right.  Because it has taken me to insane places, put me in the path of incredible people and truly changed my life so far.  This experience has pulled my heart out of my chest, stretched it to the sky and thrown it down a rabbit hole and tied that heart right back together to put it in my chest for another day.  So I get that I'm selfish, short sighted and overall a terrible person for the miracle request, but at least I'm being truthful.  

When was your last miracle?  Which ones are at the top of your list?  Which ones are you grateful were not granted?

Friday, September 23, 2016

What to say after the diagnosis?

How to Help

I've been thinking a lot about what has been helpful along the autism journey.  Specifically, I've been thinking about what was useful, what was helpful, and what was terrible when our son was first diagnosed at age 3.  I did a quick google search to see what is out there for friends and families to read as a guide of what to say to their loved ones when a diagnosis is given.  The results were incredibly DEPRESSING and not very substantive.  So, as I've been there in my own experience, I'd like to add to the conversation.  

When your friend/sister/brother/person in your community has a child diagnosed with autism; the shock, grief, anger, frustration, worry, WORRY, and host of like a thousand other feelings come steaming in on an express train that the recipient would rather run from than get on.  Thankfully, many children are getting diagnosed earlier and earlier, and the benefit of giving young ones who might be on the spectrum a diagnosis and then receive subsequent therapies to help the child; far outweighs the possible down side if the professional is wrong.  Which is lame for the parents experiencing this in the moment, but totally worth it on the other side of things. 

Autism is very difficult in some cases to diagnose, and therefore, erring on the side of caution, and giving  a 2year old a ton of speech therapy and ABA is likely only going to help the child.  But I digress, as what is really helpful to a parent in this situation is not to parrot this back to them, it is to......

  • Listen.  Ask them about what is happening, what they're feeling, how they're handling this news.   This parent is sifting through 100,000 web pages and thinking that they need to look into changing EVERYTHING in their lives.  If you can lend an ear, and help them sort through their thoughts, that could be very helpful.  

  • Encourage them to exercise if they already do so, or go for a walk if they don't.  Drinking a glass of wine with a friend is helpful, but exercise tends to be a healthier option in a time of very high stress when as a parent, you also feel you need to be ON.

  • Encourage them to take solace in their partner if they can.  Autism is statistically hard on a marriage.  Encourage the couple.  Kiddos that need extra help are going to need their parents together if it's possible.

  • Offer free babysitting.  Research and fighting with insurance companies takes time, crying in front of your kiddos is not recommended here.  Talking through courses of action with your partner is time consuming and doesn't work with an audience of children.

  • Pray with them, or recommend meditation.  Again, your friend is in an incredibly high stress time.  A time that can feel beyond one's capabilities.  Mommy having a panic attack or short circuiting her brain is only going to hurt all involved. 

For a parent with a child who is newly diagnosed, I recommend the following:

  • Take a breath.  You've got a lot of information to cover and though you're going to want to do it all as soon as you possibly can, try to get a realistic feel for what you can accomplish.  In my experience, trying to change the diet, starting 3 new therapies and researching a stem cell transplant all at once pretty much guarantees  failure (and in my case, implosion followed by crying).  

  • Think about what you know is true, and go from there.  If your child responds to a therapist or program or activity positively, keep with it.  So much can be accomplished with a willing participant.  

  • Experts are going to have different opinions.  Ultimately, you'll need to make choices on who you think is right.  And, know that if your choice wasn't the right one, you can go back and try again. 

  • Know that this journey you're on is unique to your family and your child.  Every case is unique, as every child is unique.  One of my favorite quotes is: "Comparison is the thief of joy".   In this case, its even more true.   

In all, for all parties involved, I recommend leading with grace when you can.  Grace for yourself as a parent, grace towards your child, and grace towards the experts and the information that is coming your way.  When I started on the autism parent journey, I kept telling myself:  "I just have to be better."   Meaning I just had to work harder, try harder, be MORE, in order to get through what was in front of me.  Looking back, I wouldn't recommend that attitude.  I think I would have caused myself a little less brain damage and had fewer heart palpitations if I had said to myself: "I just have to do the best I can with what I've got and give a lot of grace."

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How small?

How big is your fear and how small can you make yourself??  I like to practice yoga, I’m pretty flexible and I’m not terribly tall, so when I want to, I can make myself pretty small.  I’m a pretty great hider at hide and seek and can fit into the child’s motorized Barbie car – par example….

But when do you make yourself small?  For me, it’s when I’m weak. 

When I’m embarrassed, I can sometimes make the wrong decision and drape myself in toxic ego dusted with spiky sarcasm. 

When I’m scared, I tend to go towards bravado, and a white knuckled, gladiator, bull-dog stance to show you that you can’t hurt MEEEEEEE (even though it is absolutely clear to all, that yes, you sure can and you already have).   But when I’m weak, when I’m tired, when I lose faith -  lose confidence in who am I am and what in the world I’m doing here -  that is when I feel invisible, and very very small.  I feel like I can be unseen.  I can fly under the radar of glances, give only 10% and just blend, blend, blend until I become the gray and fall into the middle distance and then try to fade into nothing.

I think it’s interesting to explore how we make ourselves small, and why.  Because though in the moment, your feeling is of less than zero, of minimizing your wonderful self.  Of dimming the brilliant light you have inside you, for whatever reason.  You know it isn’t what you were designed for.  That making yourself small keeps love out and your gifts held in. Could recognizing how we make ourselves small teach us a bit of how we make ourselves whole?  How we rebound into the brilliance that each one of us has in us?  The sparkly self?   I would like to think so.